Hanoverian Horses
Breeding Hanoverian horses is a passionate pursuit that has seen almost 300 years of success, with Olympic and World Champions and large number of World Cup Winners from the Hanoverian studbook. The World Breed Federation for Sport Horses has recorded and listed the Hannoveraner Verband in the upper echelon of sport horse breeding for years.
The facts are clear that joining this successful breeding group raises the chances of breeding successful horses for the Olympic disciplines. As a breed society we also stress the importance of Hanoverian horses being rideable to amateur riders and beautiful to look at as well as having the excellent basic gaits that make a performance horse.

Whilst importing a Hanoverian horse from Germany is an exciting and rewarding opportunity, and we readily encourage and assist our members in doing this, there isn’t as much need as there was in the past. We now have ample opportunities to use Frozen Semen from stallions in Europe, as well as the excellent licensed and performance tested stallions here in Australia.
This, coupled with the depth of quality Hanoverian studbook mares in Australia, makes it possible to buy a foal or young horse with excellent breeding and quality.
Today the Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia is fast becoming recognised as one of the most sound, structured and progressive breed societies in Australia. Mares may gain premium awards, performance awards or the new mare award based on stringent health requirements called VET+.
Stallions are pre-licensed and licensed with HHSA in Australia and recognised as Hanoverian or Rhineland stallions around the world.